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For more information on this article, visit the Monster page on the Doom Wiki.

A monster in its most basic form is an actor that has the ISMONSTER flag. Normally, it would also have the Monster property which adds a combo of other flags that determine its behavior.

Several effects are monster-specific, including:

  • The kill class console command can only be used to kill monsters (e.g., "kill ExplosiveBarrel" will have no effect).
  • The kill monsters or the massacre cheat will kill all currently alive monsters.
  • The monster console command will list all currently alive monsters.
  • The automap can display monsters with a different color from other things when using a scanner or the map cheat.
  • Specific linedefs on the level can be set up to block monster movement or hearing. Certain specials can be set up so that monsters can activate them, as well.
  • The master/children-related functions, such as A_KillMaster, only work for monsters. However, the master pointer can be utilized in ZScript manually with any actor.
  • Monsters are not spawned when the -nomonster command line parameter or the equivalent DM flag is used.
  • Unless changed by the Activation property, monsters activate their special when killed.
  • Actors killed by ice damage and without a freeze death use the generic ice death if they are monsters or players (and do not have the NOICEDEATH flag).
  • Monsters pained by electric or poison cloud damage will play their HowlSound.